Welcome to the imagi Glossary, where you will find answers to all your questions. For code-specific questions you can also visit the Documentation page.

This page is still under construction but we wanted to share it with you because you might already benefit from it. 💫


absolute value: The distance of a number on the number line from 0 without considering which direction from zero the number lies. The absolute value of a number is never negative, for example the absolute values of -5 and 5 are both 5.

alphanumeric character: a character that is uppercase or lowercase A-Z or a number 0-9.

argument: a value passed to a function or method when calling it, for example as a parameter.

array: a data structure that stores values of the same data type.


built-in functions: built-in functions are functions that are part of either the imagilib library, or modules that you import into the app.

bug: an error in your program is called a bug. This name comes from many years ago when computers were as big as a room and real bugs could get stuck inside them and break them. To catch bugs you can use a debugger. This tool will guide you to find any errors and how to fix them.

boolean values: represent the truth values, True or False, of a statement. Many functions and operations return boolean objects. The not keyword can be used to inverse a boolean type.


class: a code template for creating objects which have member variables. An object is created using the constructor of the class and an example of an object in the imagiLabs app is Animation().

complex number: an extension of the familiar real number system in which all numbers are expressed as a sum of a real part and an imaginary part.

concatenation: when you take two separate objects, such as a string, list or tuple and join (or merge) them so they become one object of the same data type.

conditional statement: a conditional statement tells a program to execute different actions depending on whether a condition is true or false. This is how a computer can make decisions. In Python, a conditional statement uses the structure if, elif, else.

constructor: a method that Python calls when it instantiates an object to assign values (arguments) to any instant variables that the object will need when it starts.


data structure: a way to organize data to make it easier to use.